Pecan Galette Recipe


Here is a pecan galette, forcibly imagined due to a lack of pie tins. Times of need begets creative strides.


I rolled some tin foil to hold the flat pie crust in a pie-like shape on parchment paper. Foil doubles as structural support and conductor to impart some texture on the outer edges of the crust.


It turned out nicely–crust is flakey, custard is spot-on, and pecans are crunchy. The galette is much thinner than a pie would be and each slice is more uniform. It’s a nice change-up from a run-of-the-mill pecan pie.


Beautiful pie. Here’s the recipe:

  • 4 oz pecans
  • 2 oz eggs
  • 5.6 oz karo syrup
  • 3 g salt
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 5.5 oz sugar
  • shortcrust
  • 1.7 oz butter

Here are the steps. First recipe published, so bear with me.

  1. Preheat 350 degrees.
  2. Cream butter and sugar.
  3. Emulsify eggs, syrup with creamed sugar-butter mix.
  4. Fold in pecans, salt, vanilla.
  5. Construct scaffold using foil for shortcrust.
  6. Pour mix into shortcrust.
  7. Bake between 30 and 50 minutes, depending on thickness of crust.

Here is a formula for estimated baking time, given the thickness of the galette

Time in minutes = 40 * (thickness of galette) / 15 mm

2014-04-29 22.17.30